Boolean Capital
Boolean Capital
Providing capital - and hands-on coaching - to deserving African founders.

Submit Your Startup

Please share details about your startup with us for consideration. Due to the volume of submissions that we receive, we are unable to guarantee confidentiality or non-disclosure of your startup idea. Chances are that we've seen something similar to yours from someone else, or will eventually see one.

Primary Contact
Company Information
What is the name of your company?
What is your company's website?
This could be the primary location of your home office or the primary market your company serves.
100 words or less...
Please keep your answer to under 100 words.
Include revenue and active users. Please keep your answer to under 100 words.
Who are the founders or important teammates? Please keep your answer to under 100 words.
What round of funding are you looking to raise?
How much do you plan to raise? How much of that has already been raised? What vehicle will be used (SAFE, convertible, priced equity)?
If you have an other document we should have a look at, upload it here.
Please paint a picture, briefly, of your ideal customer.